
27 maj 2013

Blue Monday

I've spent a long weekend at Åland,
an island between Stockholm in Sweden and Åbo in Finland.
Åland belongs to Finland, but Swedish is their native language.

On Saturday morning,
I was the first awake so I took a chair and my tea
and stepped out in the morning dew to enjoy the warmth of the sun.

Både lördag och söndag morgon var jag den som vaknade först.
På lördagen tog jag min nyinköpta tebalja,
tassade ut i det daggiga gräset och njöt av morgonsolen.

The day before,
I bought a big tea mug made of an English potter living at Åland.
This was my first tea in my new mug!

During the day we enjoyed the views of the archipelago,
it was a lovely sunny day!

On the cliffs near the water,
we had some wine and got some sun tan on our noses.

På de soldränkta klipporna vid vattnet tog vi fram våra vinflaskor
och lät solen steka våra näsor.

And, well, yes, I had the blue plastic mug!

Och ja, det går alldeles utmärkt att dricka vin i en blå plastmugg!

4 kommentarer:

  1. Beautiful blues. I played too. Mine are here and here.

  2. Underbara naturbilder! Happy Blue Monday :) Kram från Australien♥ ~Pernilla

  3. Ah, you have the perfect view to enjoy that big mug of tea!

    Happy Blue Monday, Anni

  4. You made me feel as though I had been there with you. Very nice and relaxing place.
