
13 oktober 2014

As blue as my eyes

Entering the Blue Glass Bar at the Kosta Boda Art Hotel in the Kingdom of Crystal was a challenge to the eye. It was light and ugly outside the windows and hard to realize what you really saw indoors.

But then I looked to the side of me.
Oh yes.

And I looked down on the floor.
Oh yes.

And I looked up on the ceiling.
Oh yes.

And I saw the blue glass chairs.
Oh no - don't look out through the window!

And I saw all the details. In glass.
Blue glass.

Or blue paint on glass.

And I sat down in one of the blue chairs.
Non glass.
(Oh look, there's my toe destroying the photo!)


And I ate a lovely chicken breast.
Had a glass of tasty Argentine wine.

And I decided to have some cheese to the last of my wine.
It was served in a green leaveformed glassplate.

11 kommentarer:

  1. Every blue is spectacular, a blue feast for the eyes. I love the blue sofa and floor. What a fun place.

  2. Hi Anni,

    Don't I wish that we could all have a meeting in this BEAUTIFUL BLUE place? It's perfect. (I'm in Blue Heaven!) Thanks for sharing.

    Have a Beautiful Blue Monday!

  3. What a wonderful spot! I love those blue chairs. Maria’s Space

  4. Vilket härligt ställe ,wau ,snyggt serverat också ,kram Nette

  5. Hahaha, hur vågade de komma med ett grönt fat! Jag älskar både bilderna och din presentation av dem! Fast jag skulle hellre sett ett helt grönt glasrum, för grönt är mera min färg...

  6. Wow, du hittade verkligen ditt rum. Blått så in i...överallt. Läckert.

  7. In a place like this with so much blue, wonder if those consuming too much, wonder where they are.

  8. Thank you for responding about the translation widget - I tried it on another Scandinavian blog, and I think I need to reverse my steps - thanks for caring:) Those blue chairs - wow! You would love the Chagall's (mosaic) window about the days of creation - the same type of intense ultramarine blue!

  9. Vilket ställe! Måste jag läsa mer om.
    Superfint fotat, som vanligt.
    Hoppas att du har kommit över chocken över det gröna fatet.

  10. :) vilket läckert ställe, rena rama paradiset för dig!

  11. Har varit där jag med. Tog några misslyckade motljusbilder.
    Men dina blev jättebra, färgat glas är så himla snyggt.
